
Gwendolyn Scotts RN 
[email protected]

DeSoto Independent School District Health Services


Your child will be sent to the clinic in the event of illness or injury.  It will be your responsibility to seek medical attention unless the emergency is so great that your child must be taken immediately from school to a hospital.  If this occurs you will be notified as soon as possible.  PLEASE MAKE SURE YOUR CHILD'S EMERGENCY MEDICAL CONTACTS ARE CORRECT AND IN OUR COMPUTER SYSTEM.  During the school year you may make changes to your contact information on the emergency card or online via the Desoto ISD Parent Portal. 

For the protection of all of the students the following rules have been set and will be followed at all times.  A student will be sent home with:

  • Fever 100 degrees or greater
  • Suspected contagious disease
  • Vomiting or diarrhea
  • Rash on any part of the body
  • Presence of lice or nits on shaft of hair
  • Red eye with watering or crusting
  • Feels too bad to remain at school

If your child has any of the above symptoms in the morning before coming to school PLEASE KEEP HIM/HER AT HOME.  A child with a cold or cough should be kept at home for observation.  Your child should remain at home until he or she is free of fever for 24 hours.  We have limited facilities for caring for ill children at school and ask that you make arrangements for the child to be picked up soon as possible when called by the school staff.  Please enter the building and sign the student out in the office.  



The DeSoto ISD requires that ALL students who need medication during school hours MUST bring the medication in the "original prescription bottle/box labeled by a registered pharmacist as prescribed by law".  The label from the pharmacy MUST be provided.




Per DeSoto ISD policy students with a temperature of 100 degrees or greater are to be picked up from school by their family.  The student can not return to school until they have been fever free for 24 hours without the use of Tylenol, Motrin or Advil.  If they return to school prior to 24 hours they must have a note from a physician, P.A. or Nurse Practitioner.  After 24 hours a note from a parent or guardian is sufficient.  The student must check in with the Nurse prior to going to class.  We appreciate your help in this manner.  Any questions please contact the clinic.


